Monday, April 16, 2012


Pin It Just to let you lovely ladies know:

I LOVE and APPRECIATE ALL your comments!! I'm sorry I'm slow at responding :( my MacBook has been without a charger since February since it's so expensive... I'm on my phone 98.5% (real stat!) of the time and blogger makes mobile life complicated, ugh!

ALSO! I read ALL posts I subscribe to! Seriously, if I'm not on IG, I'm stalking my RSS feed! Again, being on my iPhone makes it nearly impossible to comment :(

Please don't think I'm being snotty or ungrateful! I wish I could reply and comment faster! Hopefully soon I'll stop buying polish and get a dang charger! $80, ugh.

- Lacey


  1. $80 for a charger!? That's insane! :(

    1. Yup >.< I already bought a "new" $50 one on ebay and exchanged it twice because it kept shorting out. UGH!

  2. I hate the blogger app for the iPhone!! It's absolutely useless LOL

    1. FREAKING RIGHT?!!? And even just on Safari it's impossible to enter the capatcha (or whatever) or go back and fix what you typed UGHHHHHH haha

  3. Don't worry!! I'm sure that everyone understands! :D Yikes, that is so expensive!

  4. I just bought one not long ago cause dog chewed it $80 down the drain :'(

    iPhone has a blogger app so you can make posts, but not view comments. Yes it's hard.

    1. Oh no! That's what happened to mine lol, I'm going to the NEX to get mine, hopefully I can save a little with just the 8% tax -.-

      Yeah I do most of my photo uploading and writing with that app

  5. I had to buy two chargers during my Mac's lifetime, and I was very depressed walking out of the Apple Store both times :-(

    1. Yikes! I hope I don't need another, it would be nice to have a back up though! I don't get why it's so expensive if it's a necessary part for the MacBook...


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