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Delush Polish (L->R) Lady Sybiling, Unlucky Edith, The Matriarch |
Today I have another new indie brand to show you. These are polishes inspired by the TV show Downtown Abbey made by Delush Polish! I've never watched it haha but I know my best friend loves the show!
Also, as you may of heard, or not of heard, there has been a notice given that the Google Friend Connect feed will be shutdown. I personally use that feed a LOT to stay up to date with blogs I follow, and I know I'm not alone. You can sign a petition (
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After the jump I have swatches and review (duh!)
The thing I found cool with Delush Polish is she includes these scratch off cards with each order:
Delush scratch off thank you card |
From the scratch off, you could win:
10% to 50% off your next order, free shipping, BOGO, free mini polish of your choice, name the next Delush Polish, name the next Delush Polish Collection OR... you can be like me and win:
Delush scratch off thank you cardy |
Nothing at all ;] Hahaha I had fun scratching it off so I don't care that I didn't win. I love when indies have something special like this that no one offers! It makes nail mail just a TAD more fun (not like it's not already fun haha)
Now, onto the polishes! Here's some macros for your viewing pleasure:
Delush Polish Lady Sybiling |
Delush Polish Unlucky Edith |
Delush Polish The Matriarch |
And onto the swatches we gooooo!
Delush Polish Lady Sybiling |
Delush Polish Lady Sybiling |
Delush Polish Lady Sybiling |
Lady Sybiling was my favorite of the 3 I reviewed, mostly because it's green hahaha I love green polish! I CAN'T HELP MYSELF! Errr.. Lady Sybiling is a shimmery green base with different sizes and shapes of gold and blue with tiny black glitter through out. I love how great this mix and base color work together!
I did 3 coats of Lady Sybiling without top coat. There was a great smooth application, good glitter placement, cover and dry time. This actually had the best dry time out of the 3.
I don't know if anyone else noticed or if it was just me but there was a strong, strange, plastic-y smell to this and the other 2 polishes. I've never smelled that in an indie before, so I felt I needed to note that. See NOTE at the bottom.
Delush Polish Unlucky Edith |
Delush Polish Unlucky Edith |
Delush Polish Unlucky Edith |
Does this remind anyone of a rubber duck? Haha, because that's what I think of and it's awesome :P Anyways, Unlucky Edity is a light blue base with some subtle green shifting shimmer, plus some yellow and aqua hex. The green shimmer is my favorite part of this, I love shimmer like that!
I did 2 coats of Unlucky Edith plus top coat. The application on this was just okay, it wasn't the easiest polish to work with. It had a good amount of glitter to it though! Dry time was good if you kept it in mind and allowed the 1st coat to dry completely. I like the idea of this polish, I'm just not sure of the execution of it...
And again, noting the strange smell. See NOTE at the bottom.
Delush Polish The Matriarch |
Delush Polish The Matriarch |
Delush Polish The Matriarch |
Last but not least is The Matriarch! I love the idea and glitters in this polish, I was most excited for this one! The Matriarch is a shimmery purple base with large light purple squares, smaller silver squares, and medium red and black hex. This is such a fun mix of glitter, epecially in the purple base! I love contrast like this!
I did 3 coats of The Matriarch, no top coat. I added the 3rd coat because it was slightly blotchy on the 2nd. The application was good, the glitter covered well and dry time was good. Not as good as dry time as the Lady Sybiling but not as slow as Unlucky Edith. I'm not fond of how it ended up looking on the nail :[ I really loved the idea of this polish with the variety of glitter and color! I just wasn't happy with how it ended up looking, a little too streaky for me, I think.
Again, this one also had the strange smell the other 2 had. *shrugs* Just sayin! See NOTE at the bottom
Delush Polish is actually opening up shop
today! At 8PM EST! If you're a Downtown Abbey fan, or just an indie fan, check her out :]
NOTE: After sending swatch pictures to Adrianna, I guess I missed her note in relation to the smell of the polishes! SO NO WORRIES! Here's what she said in her email to me: "
I've decided to take a hit cost wise and to completely get rid of the old base. So for the launch every customer can be rest assured that the polishes they are buying are with the new base. So therefore the old base will not be released to the public. I care about my customers an even the slightest thing like this bothers me." GOOD TO KNOW! Buy away knowing your polishes will be smell free! Adrianna seems to care deeply about her business and customers, if you have any issues I believe she will will take care of you :]
items were sent for review. My opinions of the brand are my own and are
not influenced in any way. Please read the disclaimer tab for more
information about my reviews.
prettyprettypretty hehehehe Love the names, too.
ReplyDeleteunlucky edith is so cool!