
Saturday, April 5, 2014

LA COULEUR COUTURE: 1979, 1981 & 1999

La Couleur Couture (L->R) 1979, 1981, and 1999

YAYYY! Blogger is finally behaving. A few months ago I won about 15 La Couleur Couture polishes from Salon Fanatic's giveaway! This is a new-to-me Canadian brand. I've heard about it here and there and finally I can try them! I now have time to swatch/use them so I figured I'd share them with you! Check out post #1 after the jump.

La Couleur Couture 1979
La Couleur Couture 1979
La Couleur Couture 1979
La Couleur Couture 1979

1979 is a navy blue creme polish with blue shimmer and tiny pink flakies. I love this shade of blue all day everyday, makes my heart happy. My only wish is that the flakies and the blue shimmer were as apparent as they are in the bottle... they are kind of swallowed up by the base. :[

I did 2 coats of 1979. Application was easy to work with and smooth. Dry time gave me no issues either.
La Couleur Couture 1981
La Couleur Couture 1981
La Couleur Couture 1981

A nice palate cleanser for ya! This is 1981, a nude creme. I really like this color on me, it kinda grew on me as watermarked my pictures :P Nudes aren't usually my favorite shades of polishes but I really like how this color looks against my skin. It kinda reminds me of Dulce de Leche by OPI (from what I've seen in swatches, I don't own it. It just popped into my head while swatching!).

I did 3 coats of 1981, I could of gotten away with 2 coats but I needed it due to balding on the curvature of my nail. Application was smooth and it dried nicely. I didn't have any issues with this one!

La Couleur Couture 1999
La Couleur Couture 1999
La Couleur Couture 1999
La Couleur Couture 1999

1999 is a deep charcoal with silver shimmer, there might be some light pink and light blue shimmer but I can't tell if my eyes are deceiving me LMAO. Do you see it too in the macro??? Anyways, I feel like this isn't like any other sparkly dark charcoal polishes in my collection, but I don't feel it is something super unique. But still pretty!

I did 2 coats of 1999. I didn't have any issues at all. It was a nice, smooth application with no issues. The dry time was also great.

POLISH INFORMATION Brand: La Couleur Couture
Website | FacebookTwitterPinterest | Instagram
Price: $14
Where to Find: Website, Retailer List
I look forward to sharing the rest of my winnings with you!

Have a nice night! :]

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