Hope you're not tired of decals hahah because I have more for you today! Except, these are used as decals instead of stencils because they're a little more intricate in comparison to what I reviewed in the last week.
Lauren of You Polish asked me for ideas and my response was "unicorns, llamas, grumpy cat, and peace signs" and BAM these arrived in my mailbox! So let me share them with you :]
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You Polish Unicorn and Cloud Decals |
For the unicorn and cloud mani, I used a tie dye plastic bag effect I saw on Instagram (I forget who posted it haha). Basically all you do is put dots of polish on the bag, fold it into each other and smush it against your nail. I used Zoya Rocky, Sinful Colors Lavender, and Revlon Minted. Then I applied the unicorns and magical clouds! For more detailed designs, I recommend using some needle nose tweezers to apply.
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You Polish Peace Sign Decals |
I was most excited for the peace sign decals! I don't know about you, but I suck butt at drawing circles - with pen or polish. I applied the peace sign over white, filled it in with SquareHue Nantucket (one of my favorite polishes!) then used a dotting tool to make some groovy little flowers. Then, I bordered my nail in Nantucket. I kinda wish I just did a crapton more flowers - oh well! The remaining nails I polished with Nantucket and then topped with Orly Be Brave.
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You Polish Monogram Decal |
For this mani, I used the monogram decal. I painted my nails with Sinful Colors Grecian Sun and topped it with a Rainbow Honey LE, Heisenberg. Then as an accent nail, I painted my middle finger with Zoya Rocha and applied the monogram decal. I won't lie - this wasn't the easiest decal to place. Mostly because it's in 3 pieces and you have to line it up juuuuust right. Again, needle nose tweezers came in handy!
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You Polish Grumpy Cat Decals |
I saved the best for last. If you know - or don't know - I have a slllllllllight obsession with Grumpy Cat. I mean, she's on my Facebook cover and my business cards. I was super stoked to have some grumpy decals! I did do a Grumpy Cat mani in the past, and it took a good chunk of time... mostly because I suck at doing animals and people artistically.
I used Tard as a stencil here. I think it looked nicer than the decal itself. Lauren said it was hard to make since all the parts have to be connected, so the eyes were difficult. So - I painted my nail white, top coated it to dry it faster, applied the Grump, polished with SquareHue Swahili Charm, waited until it was tacky and then removed the decal with my tweezers. For the rest of my mani, I polished it with Zoya Sooki and applied the "NO" decals.
Lauren has some fun and unique decals/stencils if you're in the market for some. I had no issues applying these. They're not as flexy as the ones from Glam My Mani but they are easy to use. I really appreciate the detail in her decals.
Check out her website for different designs! If you have an idea for a unique design, she might be able to help you :] Also, stay tuned to her social media channels for deals on her decals!
Have a great weekend!

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