
Thursday, April 2, 2015

PURE NAIL LACQUER: Princess, Glam Punch, & Break Out

Pure Nail Lacquer (L->R) Princess, Glam Punch, and Break Out

Hey there! Today I have swatches of 3 polishes from Pure Nail Lacquer. I've seen this brand before but this is the first time I've used the polish. Hop on over and check out these 3 polishes after the jump!

Pure Nail Lacquer Princess
Pure Nail Lacquer Princess

Princess is a bright, poppin' bubblegum pink creme! This is a super bright pink, even more bright in real life. It's really nice and is a great spring or summer color.

I did 3 coats of Princess. It had a nice, smooth application. No issues with dry time and it dried super shiny without top coat.

Pure Nail Lacquer Glam Punch
Pure Nail Lacquer Glam Punch

Glam Punch is a bright, neon peach (more orange than pink) creme. This is my favorite one out of this trio. I'm really diggin' peach shades this year haha. Again, this is a bright polish but so much brighter in person.

I did 3 coats of Glam Punch. Again, the application was great and the dry time leaves me without complaints. And BAM super shiny polish without top coat, nice!

Pure Nail Lacquer Break Out
Pure Nail Lacquer Break Out

Break Out is a medium concrete grey creme. Greys still aren't my favorite nail color. I always like them but I freakin' hate them on me *sigh* Break Out doesn't look half bad on me though haha could be worse! :P

I did 3 coats of Break Out. I have 0 complaints, once again. The application was smooth - easy to work with. Great dry time and again dried super shiny!

Ikat design using Pure Nail Lacquer

I tried to breakup the grey by doing an ikat design with Princess and Glam Punch and a black creme. Kinda rusty doing ikats but I thought it was still fun :]

POLISH INFORMATION Brand: Pure Nail Lacquer
Website | FacebookInstagram | YouTubePinterest
Price: $6+ Full Size
Where to Find: Website

So there ya go, swatches of Pure Nail Lacquer. What do you think? I really enjoyed the application and was impressed by the dry time and how shiny it was. What color did you like the most?

See ya!
These items were sent for review. My opinions of the brand are my own and are not influenced in any way. Please read the disclaimer tab for more information about my reviews.

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