Halloween is coming, y'all! TEN DAYS! Crazy talk. I wanted to share a Halloween themed at least once this month. A few years ago I did a design with baby ghosts. I wanted to recreate that with different Halloween themed designs.
What I like about these designs is that they were all created with various size dot tools and on nail art brush, easy peasy! Even better is that you could totally make these anyyyyy size you want :] If you'd like to learn how I created these designs I've added step-by-step directions after the jump.
Base color is Zoya Genevieve with Pure Ice Risk Taker. And here are links to the dotting tools and striping brush I used to create the designs, just in case you need a suggestion! I've had those sets for over 5 years now and they're still goin strong :]
For Frankenstein I used a striping brush and 2 different sized dotting tools. Zoya Mitzi makes for the perfect Frankenstein monster green! I used a striping brush to create the rectangle shape and brush on some disheveled hair. I used 2 sized dotting tool to add eyes. Then I went back in with my striping brush and stripe on a little apathetic mouth and 2 T-shaped bolts in a silver polish on his neck.
For the witch hat, this is done entirely with a striping brush. I started by making various horizontal lines for placement as to where I wanted the hats to go. Be careful how close they are together vertically or the hats won't fit right (see the orange hat in the middle of my nail LOL). Then I created a triangle shape with the brush. I added a sash around the hat with my striping brush in green, purple, and orange and then carefully added a buckle with Maybelline Bold Gold.
This cute little pumpkin is super duper easy to do! I used the same size dotting tool and put them pretty close together (to look like a butt). I used Zoya Arizona for the orange. I used a striping brush to make a little stem with brown polish. Mixed a little brown and orange nd added some lines to the pumpkins for dimension. I wanted to put jack-o-lantern faces on them but I wasn't in the mood to do that tiny of designs LOL!
Last but not least the spiders! I think this is my favorite design in this manicure. And yes, I am aware of how many legs spiders actually have hahaha. I used a dotting tool to do the similar butt-like design with black polish. I then used a smaller dotting tool for the whites in the eyeballs, a smaller dotting tool for the colored bits, and lastly a teeeeeny tiny dotting tool for the pupils. Then I used my striping brush and added little legs jetting out of the spider's body.
Hope you enjoyed this mani as much I as did. Maybe it inspired you to create something similar with the tutorials! If so, feel free to shoot me a photo on Facebook or tag me on IG @Lacerz :]
Have a good weekend!

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